Insomnia is a disorder that includes difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or waking up too early, and not being able to function properly during the day.
Insomnia is considered as a symptom rather than an illness: it can be caused by many different problems such as depression, other mood disorders, and stress among others. It can also result from taking certain medications, smoking or drinking alcohol before going to bed, and so on. The good news is that insomnia is treatable. However, first, you should understand what kind of insomnia you’re suffering from because this will help your doctor prescribe the best treatment for your condition.
There are three major types of insomnia: primary insomnia, secondary insomnia, and sleep-related breathing disorder (SRBD). Each type has its own symptoms and the length of time it takes for insomnia to develop also varies. So let’s analyze them separately:
1) Primary insomnia
This is the most common type of insomnia. It lasts for less than three months and has no identifiable cause, neither psychological nor medical. Symptoms include difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night or waking up too early in the morning, and not being able to go back to sleep. Stress-related issues are one of the main causes behind primary insomnia; this is because stress releases cortisol which acts as an alerting agent that disrupts your sleep cycle.
2) Secondary insomnia
This type of insomnia can last longer than three months and its cause can be identified by your doctors, such as pain due to arthritis, an injury, or an illness.
Symptoms, in this case, include: waking up frequently at night, falling asleep, and waking up too early in the morning and it can be treated by evening out your sleep cycle and making sure that you get enough exercise during the day so that you’ll feel more tired when you go to bed.
3) Sleep-related breathing disorder (SRBD)
This is a type of insomnia where you don’t actually have trouble falling asleep, but experience shortness of breath when sleeping. A person with SRBD will stop breathing for a minute or two and then resume normal breathing – this may happen once or several times per night. There are four kinds of SRBD: central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome (which affects part of your brain that’s responsible for breathing), primary alveolar hypoventilation syndrome (a rare form of the disorder which is caused by structural damage to the lungs or diaphragm), Pickwickian syndrome (which results from obesity) and Cheyne-Stokes respiration (where breathing stops followed by rapid snoring then starts again).
The symptoms are similar to those in people with sleep apnea, but they’re not exactly the same. In both cases, you’ll feel tired during the day even if you slept normally at night. In some cases, a person with SRBD may start gasping or choking when sleeping because he can’t get enough air into his lungs – this causes extreme anxiety while trying to sleep.
There are three treatments for this type of insomnia:
a) CPAP machine, which stands for continuous positive airway pressure and it’s a mask that you wear while you sleep. The device blows air into your nose through a tube, keeping the passageways to your lungs open so that you get enough oxygen while sleeping. If you think CPAP may be the treatment for SRBD, make sure to consult with your doctor first because it can cause skin dryness and irritation due to reduced blood flow in your head if it’s placed too tightly on your face. Rarely, sudden air loss can also lead to injury or death from cardiac arrest. This is not a problem with Zopisign and zopifresh.
b) SomnoDent oral device, which is a dental device that’s used for men and women and it looks like a mouthguard. The device has two prongs with a place in between them where you put your tongue so that the airflow won’t be obstructed when you breathe while sleeping. While you wear this oral appliance, make sure to see your dentist regularly for checkups because it can cause jaw discomfort and even tooth decay if not fitted properly, or else, you can prefer to buy zopiclone.
c) Surgery, such as permanent tracheostomy, which is a surgical procedure in which a hole is made in your neck so that you can breathe through an opening. Although this type of treatment shows the most promising results, it requires a great deal of commitment from both patients and medical experts because it’s irreversible.
You can buy zopiclone generic medications like Zopifresh 7.5 & Zopisign 10 mg to treat Insomnia from Smartfinil online generic medicine store.